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This blog is about the kingdom message and the way it involves our day to day's life both now and in the new system of things that we are all waiting for.......

06 Nov

IN EDEN, Did God speak to Adam directly, or through "Word"??

Published by Kinyua Francis

IN EDEN, Did God speak to Adam directly, or through "Word"??


  •     The Bible does not gives us an explicit answer to this question. While God could have spoken directly to his perfect human son in Eden, likely he communicated with Adam through the word- the Only begotten son of God.
  •     The Bible often speaks of God"s doing things when he actually did them through one or more Angels. For instance, Genesis 1:1 tells us: "In the beginning God created heavens and earth"......were that all the Bible said about the origin of the universe, we would conclude that God created it directly, as if with his own hands. The Christian Greek Scriptures(The New Testament), however, enlarges our understandings. We read, "By means of him(the son of God) all other things were created in heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, all other things have been created through him and for him"-(Colossians 1:16,17). Other texts confirms the sons role in creating universe -(John 1:3,10; Hebrews 1:1,2), Still his role was as a workman subordinate to Jehovah, who originated, empowered and directed creation.
  •     God said to the first man, "From every tree of the garden you may eat to satisfaction" (Genesis 2:16,17) Jehovah did not need some mechanical or electronic device, such as megaphone or radio............instead....."The man saw no one doin the speaking. The voice came from the invisible, the unseen realm, and it was addressing him. It was the voice of the man's maker, his creator!.".....The man needed no modern scientific radio reciever to hear the divine voice. God conversed with him directly.
  •     Did God speak through an Angel? Perhaps the logos-(the word), who later on become Jesus. While not being dogmatic, C.T Russell wrote in 1915, "Perhaps Jesus was the representative of God in the garden of Eden with Adam". God's only begotten Son long served in the exalted position  of His father's "Word" or Spokesman to Angels and man-(John 1:1; 12:49; Rev. 1:1,2). So, even if the Genesis accounts conveys the impression that God spoke directly to solitary Adam, that does not rule out His speaking through an Angel, including the "Word", Jehovah's heavenly son.Especially would this be so considering that Jehovah used the Logos to create man in the first place, and this one 'was fond of the things involving the sons of men'. -(Proverbs 8:22,31; John 1:3)
  •     Consider, for example the occassion when Moses went up on Mount Sinai. Exodus 19:21-24 states...."Jehovah now said to Moses.....At this Moses said to Jehovah....However, Jehovah said to him.".....Then the account of giving of the ten commandments is introduced this way.."God proceeded to speak all this words." -(Exodus 20:1). Does that sound as if God personally spoke the words of the Law??...Such an impression could find support in that we are told that God spoke to Moses "Face to face" -(Exodus 33:11)
  •     Still, we have further revelation of this. The Apostle Paul wrote about the Law..."It was transmitted through Angels by the hand of a mediator". -(Galatians 3:19). Later, Paul specifically contrasted the instructions God provided in the Law and what Christians received through Jesus: "If the word spoken through Angels proved to be firm, and every transgression and disobedient act received a retribution......how shall we escape if we have neglected a salvation of such a greatness in that it began to be spoken through our Lord-(Jesus) and was verified for us by those who heard him. -(Hebrews 2:2,3). So, God did not speak the words of the Law with His own personal voice, nor did He use the Logos, He chose to use other Angels.
  •     What is the basic point, though??.....Often, when we read of God speaking to humans, we note that He did so through obedient Spirit Creatures who spoke for Him. (Gen. 18:2,3,33; 19:1; Exo. 3:2-4; Judges 6:11,12,20-22). Jesus designation as "Word" suggests that he was one whom God often used to communicate with His other creatures. Did that include God's perfect son Adam?? ...Most likely. -Luke 3:38
  •     It is true when the Logos-(The word) was later on earth, the Father, three times spoke audibly so that this "Last Adam" could hear. (1 Cor. 15:45; Matt. 3:16,17; 17:1-5; John 12:28-30). On these occassions, why should God speak to or about His son through anintervening Angel? More logically, Jehovah would speak directly, His perfect son and even, imperfect humans nearby, heard God's own voice. Soo when the perfect man, Adam was created, his loving father could have dealt directly with this perfect new creation. However, in view of the foregoing, It is likely that he used the Word.
IN EDEN, Did God speak to Adam directly, or through "Word"??
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This blog is about the kingdom message and the way it involves our day to day's life both now and in the new system of things that we are all waiting for.......